Friday, March 03, 2006

In New Zealand, even the homeless people get Wikipedia entries


  1. That cracks me up to no end. No end.

    Blanket Man seems completely docile compared to some of the homeless here.

    My friend and I were walking down the street a couple weeks ago and this guy started following us with his shopping cart whilst making lewd comments about her "asshole".

  2. abby: you're hilarious.

    sarah: more blog! now! (im having a "baby wants to suck ash" moment)

    seriously, i check your blog every day... and every day i am disappointed to see that there are no new entries. what would chuck norris say?

  3. who cares what chuck norris would say.

    i think helen clark would be the most upset.

  4. aunty helen has nothing on chuck norris. I'm almost too scared to evoke his name, in case he tracks me down and roundhouse kicks me in the head.

    fran, this is your fault. you know why.

  5. although miss clark does have a very severe haircut which, in some circles, is considered frightening...

  6. i wake up in cold sweats when i see her teeth in my dreams.

    such dental neglect...

    i'd be more worried about the state of her inscissors than the state of your nation.


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