Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Kelly is getting porky

Lately I’ve had a fair amount of time to watch day time television. This mostly means that in the mornings I watch the news in about five different languages, and try to convince myself that I’m learning languages through doing this, refreshing my German and such. It’s a given that I watch Oprah and feel in touch with my spirit. And then watch Dr. Phil and feel a deep affinity with every one of his studio guests. However, in the afternoon it’s a different story. As though it were an inevitability, I am drawn toward the banality of High Five, that group of semi lobotomized adults gaily tripping about a studio stage, dressed head to toe in Supre and patronizing small children. And I can’t help contemplating Kelly in her hot pink sausage casing and notice that she’s getting porky. Maybe it’s because she’s let herself go since becoming engaged to Nathan.

1 comment :

  1. i can't find my australasian-canadian dictionary.

    what is High Five?


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