Thursday, May 25, 2006

Dance Magic Dance

You remind me of the babe What babe? The babe with the power The power of what? The power of voodoo Who do? You do Do what? Remind me of the babe

If you were Australian you would say "Dehnce".

Today I bought a copy of the Labyrinth that was only $2.50 at the Salvation Army.

I also bought a set of wooden salt and pepper shakers with pineapples carved on them which said "Made in Hawaii" on top and "Made in the Phillipines" on the bottom. Suffering an identity crisis perhaps, or maybe conceived in one place and brought to fruition at another? OR maybe the salt and pepper shakers were carved in Hawaii and the little wooden tray that they came on was carved in the Phillipines.
Hm. So many questions.

ALSO I bought a pair of brand new lavender pop socks with bows on them, a navy blue and white striped plastic bangle, a copy of AS Byatt's Possession for Kate and two truly hideous orange mugs for Andy.

Andy's workmate Ross said that the bangle and the mugs matched each other remarkably well.

Kate went to an iridologist/naturopath who diagnosed her with candida and has removed wheat and fermented and yeasty things from her diet. This has changed her profoundly, because firstly she's not drinking beer (!!!) and secondly because she's incredibly loved up because of her lack of abdominal bloat. Crazy.

Alternate Kate is living in my house and has just popped down the road for a bottle of wine to drink with the friendly match between Greece and Australia thats on TV tonight.

 After writing this, I decided that it would be fun to add a picture of David Bowie as "Jareth" and put a predictable comment underneath about his crotch. However, my search brought up a fansite that was scary in its level of obsession (and moreover, didn't mock David Bowie's crotch). Also, it had a link to a place where you can read fanfiction - the Labyrinth II and III. Spooky.


  1. Sarah,

    Why am I strangely drawn to DB's hair, his manly stance, and that very odd look on his face. Do you think he's been shown a meal that might disagree with him? It's unclear I know but we should be told nevertheless.

    Also, like the sound of those artifacts you've bought. Can you put up some photo's of them? Are any shaped suggestively, like Bowie's lumpy bit? I wonder if that was made in the Philipines.

    Sigh, there's so much we cannot ever know.

  2. In this picture I think that David is in the process of singing Magic Dance. Is a very odd look though.

    When my flatmate comes back I can use her camera but mine was stolen before I went back to New Zealand and now the only camera I have is a Polaroid. I like it better than digital, but I don't have a scanner, so...

  3. Soooo? No pics of your tasteful purchases. You tempt us, then you take it away. I suppose it's for the best.

    I can't stop looking at the photo of DB tho. Do you think he's about to poo? That's just the stance babies achieve after they've learned to walk for the first time and then suddenly decide to dump a load. Legs slightly askew.

    I know this is becoming a fixation but it's nearly summer here, the long nights, the infernal drums...

  4. Clearly he's singing with such passion that he needs to stand awkwardly - we all know how that feels.

    What really worries me about this photo is the distinct lack of codpiece. Like, in the rest of the movie, his crotch has its own role (to bamboozle and disturb small children). But in this scene, there's like a mysteriously smooth glossy place where his crotch should be... like a Ken doll. This also bamboozles small children. From experience.

    (I should probably point out that I was the small child, I wasn't showing small children Ken dolls or scenes from the Labyrinth).


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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