Thursday, June 01, 2006

Help me help My Stalker

Maybe he's not yet tenacious enough to be my stalker, but surely he's on his way there.

A friend of mine had a boyfriend when I was in Adelaide. When they were together, he seemed ok, I seemed to get on with the boyfriend fine. After Liz went back to Scotland, I kind of didn't see the boyfriend. And then, he became quite regular at ringing or texting me and asking me out for a coffee.

After a while, Andy said that he felt kind of weird around Steve, that he felt as though Steve was kind of flirting with me right in front of him, and that made him feel funny. And yes, by this point Steve also annoyed me.

Long story short, I hadn't seen Steve for six weeks before I left Adelaide. He text messaged me while we were road tripping around WA and I didn't reply. After I had been back in Australia for a month or so he text messaged me again and I didn't reply. Just then he called me and I answered the phone and had a moment of sickening realisation. For the first time in my life I praised the bad reception in our house as the phone cut out before I had to talk to the man (and now I've switched the damn thing off).

I haven't made any contact with him for over six months... I live in a different city, state and time zone. I feel stalked (I know I would have given up on trying to contact a person who hadn't returned any of my messages for six months). Is there anything more I can do but avoid the man? He seemed really nice to begin with, in a friend's boyfriend, I-don't-know-anyone-in-this-town kind of way, and got more and more Black Adder-like as time went on.


  1. My mother always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say I shouldn't say anything at all.


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