Of course, there is hundreds and thousands of things that I need to do now that I'm back - but strangely it seems more manageable to get them all done now than it did before I had holidayed. But I have many many resolutions - feel inspired to stop putting random stuff off and stop procrastinating in general and Suck It Up and do it, dammit.
First steps:
- sending off all items sold through Trade Me before leaving
- re-listing those unsold
- clearing through shoes and throwing away the ones that need to be thrown (i.e., the ones with massive holes in them)
- keeping my room tidy
- brutal re-sorting of clothes. Again.
- become fit again for Derby
- become hell-awesome Derby Girl
- embrace aforementioned inner hell-awesome Derby Girl
- writing for Derby
- start working on Four Hours in the Spa project
- be more committed at work
- oh yes. I shall be
- look for a new job
- do not fear looking for a new job
- stop op shopping for a few months at the very least
- debts
- be better with money
- live a less expensive lifestyle
- and suchlike and so forth
Gorgeous photos miss - I want to go on a roadtrip now! Good luck on your missions - now that you are back and re-energised! x