Thursday, April 23, 2009

What I Have Been Doing

... apart from disappearing off the face of the planet.

Picture 0063-pola I've been mostly *ahem* shopping on Trade Me where I bought this coat... red and woollen and with BEAVERS on the pockets and a CANOE on the back. Easily the most fabulous coat ever made. Check out my haute couture pose, the only thing that one can see in the above photo - lighting in my room SO BAD. Also, I now have the two most fabulous winter coats ever made: this Bad Boy (above) and my light brown duffle coat with leopard-print fun fur lined hood. It's all Study at the front and Party at the back. I like riding my bike in it and putting a note book in the pocket, so I can stop and write poetry whenever the mood takes me. Tra la la!

IMG_2233 I may have already mentioned this, but I've been obsessing over the early seventies BBC doco "The Ascent of Man". I adore how self indulgent those early colour documentaries were! Just amazing. Like "Civilization", but slightly less Eurocentric; definitely a relic. I had to fast forward through his opinion of Pacific migration though, I felt rather nauseous hearing about the Easter Islander's lack of navigational skills... Even so, I now know more about science up until the Seventies from a mid-twentieth century perspective than I ever knew before! Who knew I was missing so much!

I read some, but not as much as I'd like. I'll review these proper-like, later.IMG_2235

coldcomfortfarmI listened to the abridged audio book version of Cold Comfort Farm about a hundred times. J'adore. And now I want my own copy, because I'm upset about the abridgement.




I have knitted and knitted and knitted like an obsessive lady. I am making a sort of cowl/neck warmer for myself (the green and the circular needles and the complicated stitch) and the red woollen whatnots are handwarmers for the Boy when he rides his bicycle; the red will make him go faster, as well as keeping his hands from freezing to the handlebars. (I was so sure this was going to happen to me this week, and have been thanking the Zombie Jeebers for my own handwarmers. Which are navy blue.)IMG_2234

I've also been baking and making soup.

Otherwise, I have been suffering from hideous poverty and trying to keep warm. Things are only going to get colder... I'm trying to think happy boot/woolly thoughts. And I do have the two most fabulous winter coats ever made.

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