Sunday, January 03, 2010

A lovely Sunday in Summer

Today, Wellington is demonstrating it's amazing summer weather with the power of GALE FORCE WINDS, HUMIDITY and RAIN. So, when the Lovely Born Lippy invited me out to a movie I was like, fuck yeah! We saw Julie and Julia at the Penthouse and it was pretty much perfect for today, very light with historical French bits and food and other bits that make you feel a bit weepy with "being moved". Meryl Streep was great as the character of Julia Child and I think I've developed a crush on her - I've noticed in the past that she was awesome: especially in Angels in America (but it's such a fabulous play/screenplay that I mostly attributed the
awesomeness to that). Now I am whole heartedly pro-Streep and am thinking of having some kind of major Streep-watch.
I don't know anything really about Julia Child but I'm kind of a bit fascinated now. I looked on Youtube and she is kind of quite awesome really. I'd like to read a biography of hers now methinks.
In other news, I have discovered Ravelry and I am in love; I've stashed all my yarn and have been obsessively reading patterns and taking photos of my knitting projects and posting them on the site. Quelle geek. I am in the process of knitting many things including a green lace scarf and green roll top cotton socks and a chunky beret for Nat's cold winter head. The beret is just about done and I'm very excited about it because I've essentially created my own pattern by adapting a pattern I found through Ravelry so that it suited what I wanted, and then combining that adaptation with what I remembered of a completely different pattern that I knitted late last year. I haven't quite finished yet but if the whole thing works then I will publish what I've done and that will be the first pattern that I've written! I'm at the Boy's at the moment and I'm wishing that I'd remembered my double pointed needles so I could finish the damn thing... my fingers are ITCHING. I think that I shall go away and write some of it down now. For fun.

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