Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Today is Mardi

These women are awesome (Jeanette Bernhard, 1910)

Dear my lovelies;

What a fabulous weekend I had! Monday less so, but these things can’t be helped - Monday sucks, no matter how many champagne (*ahem* Lindauer) brunches one has. But ne’er mind. It’s a new week and I’ve instigated the organisational skills that have been somewhat lacking since towards the end of January and having a made bed feels good.

Looking like: It’s time to do something about my hair. In the weekend I had lunch with Shannon’s family and his father’s wife was determined to comment on how different it looked. Mostly, it just looked as though the colour had grown out and it needed a wash, but it was nice of her to comment.

Listening to: Josephine by Carolly Erickson and narrated by S. Patricia Bailey. The narrator reads this book as though she was reading erotica and it’s difficult to concentrate on the historical aspects when she’s all breathy about Napoleon Bonaparte and trailing off salaciously at the end of each sentence. Also, the writer spends an awful lot of time speculating about Rose/Josephine’s emotional or psychological state and the historian in me cringes at that ("we can only imagine how Rose felt about this... she must have been worrying about her children" etc and GAG). Do not recommend especially. I shall listen to the end tho’.

Fad a la Mode: Getting Back On Top Of Things. Making my bed and tidying my room and organising my food for the week and checking the weather forecast to see when I can hang out my clothes and getting my bits and pieces together for training tonight.

Watched this Week: A whole episode and some bits of episodes of Breaking Bad. Shannon is watching it at his place. It’s not really doing that much for me; I feel awkward and a bit embarrassed watching it. Otherwise: more episodes of QI and Arrested Development. Oh, and also I was lucky enough to see the Topp Twins documentary Untouchable Girls at the Film Archive last Thursday. It's a seriously great film and if you get the chance to watch it, I strongly recommend that you take it.

Reading: Still on my Colette biography (Secrets of the Flesh - A Life of Colette) and loving it. How about Claudine! And Monsieur Willy! And Colette’s female lovers and simultaneous dislike of lesbians to the extent that she disapproved of her own daughter when she came out! Yesterday I was reading this book sometimes and listening to Josephine at others and getting the bits listing people’s lovers all mixed up (fin de siecle v Directoire). It’s like all people ever do in Paris is sleep around.

Webreading: Selleck Waterfall Sandwich. Will the genius who makes this site run out of sandwiches or pictures of Tom Selleck first?

Anticipation: Seeing Nat tomorrow night. She’s awesome.

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