Thursday, July 22, 2010

Arohanui on Thursday when I'm loving on stuff

(L-R) Claire Scully via Supersonic Electronic; via Audrey Hepburn Complex; Judith Braun via Supersonic Electronic; Maedchen in Uniform via All Things Amazing.

Using up some of my enormous stash of yarn. I think it's almost more exciting crafting out of the resources I have than going out and buying new yarn for each project. There is an element of challenge to finding the perfect project for all this yarn I have. In some cases the challenge is mostly in matching the yarns to make something multicoloured and non-hideous. At the moment I'm making a patchwork scarf for S (more about this tomorrow) and it's pretty much the perfect project for clearing a space in my stash drawers.

Having my little brother Tom around for dinner. I feel as though I haven't seen him forever, and also I'm looking forward to pillaging his hard drive for episodes of Time Team that I haven't seen yet.

Also in the family vein: hooray for a new baby cousin! 

Rediscovering the Joy of Blogging. I've been having the most enormous blog cravings - to write enormous posts and to start new projects and to investigate everything I have tagged for blogging in my reader. Hence, the beautiful Drop Capital which comes via Jessica Hische. I'm intending to start taking some better photographs of my projects too - I've read an awesome article about photographing your Stuff on recently, and it made me so excited. More photographs for the blog!

Having heaps of food stashed away at work. Yesterday I nominated a "spend nothing" day and succeeded - I drank coffee and tea in the office and nibbled on the supplies I have in my desk. Toasted sandwiches were my special lunchtime friends. The initial plan in having all this food at work was to save some money but given that I do most of my food shopping for the office at expensive delicious Moore Wilsons I don't know how much this is working - though it is exciting having such a variety of food to hoe down on without having to venture into the freezing outside.

Feeling in control of my spending. For the first time in an incredibly long time I feel as though I am in control of money, or at the very least, I know where it is all going. Dude it's totes empowering, and when I'm drooling over something I have no need for, the adrenaline rush that I get from keeping on top of things neutralises the Want also.

Drooling over travel. I'm definitely feeling the itch and the debt repayments and savings I'm managing to do while living well makes me realise that travel IS a possibility. The next issue then is: WHERE TO GO? So many possibilities! So much excitement!
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