Thursday, July 08, 2010

Party Day.

So my biggest (most life-changingest) news is that I've handed in my resignation to the derby league I have been part of for the last two and a half years. This may seem super surprising to those of you that don't know that I made a decision a while ago now to leave out as much negativity as I possibly can on this blog - I've been relentless in writing only what I love about the league and the sport and my team.

Leaving derby was a difficult decision, because I have loved it so much over the years. Ultimately, thought, it was the best decision that I could have possibly made, because I just wasn't having fun anymore. RCRD is coming up to the new season, and all the work involved in skating in and being part of the organisation of a bout had increased. And all I felt was resentment, for something that I was voluntarily a part of! Leaving seemed like a no-brainer, however the emotional ties were pretty strong. Dude, in some ways I felt the thing was my BABY. 

The night I made the decision and sent out my emails (Tuesday) I felt weepy and had a stiff drink; however by last night I was reflecting on what a fabulous decision it had been. There is no shame in choosing not to be part of something that you don't want to do anymore, especially if your involvement is purely voluntary.

So onwards and upwards! I have big plans for spinning and I've almost completed the second of a pair of socks that I started a long time ago. I have been somewhat obsessive with the baking and the cooking and I'm determined to get out of the crappy food rut I've been stuck in. I bought a leopard print snuggie. My Boy has come back early from his trip (due to illness, but heyho) and, most excitingly, I've made plans to have drinks on Friday night without a hint of guilt.
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