Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Wednesday list: ten MORE things in 2010

And after I've successfully achieved all this I shall be moving to a fairyland kingdom
image via FFFFound
Just over halfway through the year and I've decided that I want to squeeze in another ten things to make up for the ones that I gave up on. I feel as though I'm on top of the project now and I've got a better idea at the kind of tasks I need to set myself - i.e., finite and specific ones.

Dudes, I totes love resolutions

1. Spend two hours a week putting the photos back into the SCP blog archive, and otherwise generally tidying up the archive so it looks more consistent.

2. Make my bed everyday, because it makes my room looks tidier and makes me feel happier. If the Boy is the last person out and doesn't make the bed then I shall make it as soon as I see it.

3. Have at least one "Buy Nothing Day" a week.

4. Pay back $4000 of my credit card debt.

5. Take part in the Six Items or Less challenge. I signed up for this today, and it looks as though it's due to start in late August, early September sort of time. Can't hardly wait.

6. Spend a month identifying and wearing clothes I never wear, and decide whether they're keepers or biffers, ala Thrifty Chick.

7. USE IT OR LOSE IT: Either use the hula hoop or get rid of it, woman.

8. Clean and maintain (regularly!) my crafty machines. Sewing machine, overlocker, spinning wheel. Maintained machines work better, use less energy, and are a reflection upon my organisation and decluttering Skillz.

9. Sell, give away, recycle or otherwise GET RID OF the knitting machine and table in the garage.

10. Eat my food slowly, in an effort to recognise fullness, and thus, not eat as much as my six-foot-something skinny male flatmate.

And I should probably add in the items from previous lists that are deemed "ongoing" and aren't already incorporated into anything above, of which there are two:

1. Make a budget and stick to it.
2. Unclutter my life and maintain a clutterless environment.
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