You know, I'm all for the name "Things I Love Thursday", but the word "Arohanui" is pretty beautiful. If your Māori isn't awesome, I shall enlighten you: it means "lots of love" (or "big love", I guess). As a word it makes me want to squee.
And so, without further ado, here is a bunch of stuff that I'm loving on this week:
♥ Filofax! This is it: please excuse the tiny tiny photo, I took it with my phone. The style is "Urban" which is made mostly of waxed cotton, but I have cunningly applied a vintage felt applique that Lizzie gave to me years and years ago and that I've never found anything awesome enough to apply to. It's grey (which you may or may not be able to tell from my shitty picture), and it's the "Personal" size. I felt that anything smaller was - well, too small. SIZE MATTERS WHEN IT COMES TO ORGANISATION. I feel this is the right size for me to be truly organised.
Things I am enjoying so far about my Filofax: heaps more room to write than in my last diary, "To Do" list interleaved with the daily planner, (finances, List of Want) lists all neatly itemised and filed in the same place. Lots of notepaper and everything kept together instead of across a number of different notebooks and diaries.
♥ The Stone Soup. Have you seen this website yet? I'm can't imagine how it's taken me so long to find! The concept is "minimalist home cooking" - five ingredients or less, and food made in under ten minutes. The lady who runs the website has also made a free ecookbook, and my life has changed. Being able to pull together something tasty and simple in record time is absolutely fantastic. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
♥ Ongoing Declutter of Awesomeness. I'm totally addicted to getting rid of my crap at the moment. Hoop is sold, another pile of books is sold, I've reduced my CD collection to about ten CDs that I actually want to keep, and I've scanned in all the documents in my massive file of doom. My next plan is to clear out the clothes again - I'd like to try and get rid of fifteen items of clothing this weekend, using my new found technique. Also, I'm planning on heading to the garage and itemising everything I have in there - there must be a bunch of stuff that I can get rid of.
♥ Never having to finish Lipstick Jungle. I struggled to about halfway through, but I presented what I'd done to Book Club on Wednesday night and I'm stoked to know that I will never, ever, have to struggle through the last half of the book. Candace Bushnell: you will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes.
The rest of my books now look very attractive and I'm stoked that I'm going to have time to read something worthwhile. I've decide that it's a good thing to read something rubbish once in a while - if it encourages you not to take good books for granted. Darlings, they are a blessing. I'm so happy to have the ability and time to read.
♥ Anticipation: Chch trip in less than a week!, Archival Survival Society on tomorrow night, live blogging RCRD's next bout "The Rubble Rouser" on Saturday (I'll be tweeting from the @richtercity Twitter account). Finishing Shannon's scarf!
ALSO: ♥ leopard print tights ♥ easing myself back into the world of heels ♥ going to yoga with Nat and gossiping over tea and hot chocolate afterwards ♥ living within my means ♥ being loved ♥ fabulous op shop acquisitions ♥ cheap clip glass photo frames ♥ a beautifully made bed ♥
Meera Lee via Super Sonic Electronic |