Monday, October 04, 2010

Monday evening, post-weekend, an Oxford comma, and some links

I'm sitting at the dining table, looking out over the unweeded garden and drinking slightly flat beer and buttery vegemite toast. AFTER WORK SNACK OF CHAMPIONS. I spent all day stuck inside. Boo! The sun was shining but I wasn't even warm for most of the day - our office doesn't appear to respond well to sunlight. In addition, I wore shoes that shredded my feet on the way to work and spent the whole day wearing emergency slippers that I keep in my desk (not professional, but hey ho).

The weekend though was fabulosity. Not only did I complete most of my things on Friday's list, but we also had our first barbeque of the season! (I'd say summer but I'm afraid I'd be courting disaster. Clutching wood as we speak). My newly weeded herb garden looks great, and I refreshed the soil with the help of the Boy and planted some new thyme and chives. BEHOLD - the difference.

I'm awfully proud of myself. I'm not renowned for my gardening abilities, so we'll see how this all pans out. Last year my garden was mostly snail provision.

Lacking in enthusiasm today, but here are some links - I've been saving them up for a while now.

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