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Rachel Sumpter via Lost at E Minor |
Hope you are well my darlings! The weather is beginning to sloooooowly shift towards autumn here - there are some very "late summer" feelings in the air. I'm still managing to read outside, at least in the afternoons, but MY it is chilly in the shade.
Last night I read this item on Yes and Yes about the phrases "want to" and "have to"- that is, the power of using words to change your attitude through saying that one wants to do a thing, rather than that one has to do a thing. This is something that I talked to one of the therapists about one time, and it made me revisit a bunch of stuff that I wanted to do but had managed to append a "should" to - and how that "should" was holding me back! So here I am, again - because I WANT to write a delicious list of things that I am loving on at the moment. For realz, j'adore!
So, in no particular order:
♥ Free time! Between study and work I feel as though I have far more free time than I've had in a very.long.time. Maybe since I was at University? I keep telling myself that it's just a false impression but consider me very happy in my present delusion.
♥ New school supplies: The Boy took me shopping and between the beautiful pens, leather pencil case and Moleskine notebooks he bought me, and the new school bag and Thermos that I bought myself, I am officially the most satisfied and probably also the most stationery-geeky person in my class.
♥ My Boy is super awesome. And leaves me totes adorb notes about salads in the fridge. And yesterday he caught a crayfish!
♥ Living within my means and nailing my debts: I am so, so happy that this is all coming together! Somehow, the decision to live without very much (otherwise known as studying) has paid off in terms of getting me to live within my means. It's early days but so far but I'm really enjoying the idea that my income covers all the essentials that I need to pay for - and how that feeling encourages me to keep all my "wants" to the very bare minimum. Is this what minimalism feels like?
♥ Learning: I think my brain is getting fried due to learning at such a pace (it's suddenly picked up), but also - it's GREAT. When my mum went back to study she said the hardest thing was learning how to learn, and I thought I understood at the time. The reality is that it's a lot more complicated than I'd thought at that time - but I absolutely love learning, and I know that once I've warmed up and got the big old Thinking Muscle stretched out, I'll be totally good to go.
And that's me for this Thursday my darlinks. Please share something fabulous with me?
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