Monday, March 07, 2011

In which Ginger wins a prize!

Kittens, I have been tagged a Stylish Blogger by the loverly Bex at Thrifty Chick. This is the first ever time I've ever been tagged in one of these blog-prize jobbys, so you should all settle down and enjoy my excitement.

Since Bex has already described this so impeccably I'm going to copy her wonderful description and just whack it right in here.
The rules of the game are thus: all ye who are tagged as stylish bloggers have to spill seven interesting beans about yourselves before passing the baton of nomination on to seven others.  The world becomes a marginally happier, more knowledgeable place, blog friendships are developed and sealed and everyone gets a unicorn.  Well not quite, but it’s a bit of fun at least, right?
Yes indeed. Fun. Seven interesting things about memememememe. And the possibility of unicorns, so hows about that?

1. I was born in the UK (ahem, Croydon) and my family moved to New Zealand when I was about five years old. I remember drinking a lot of "free" water from the water cooler on the planes on the way over. We went to Disney Land and my favourite ride was "It's a Small World After All", which I made my parents go on something like three times. When I went on the Haunted House ride I closed my eyes as tight as I could the entire time because I was scared out of my wits. I had nightmares about it for years afterwards.

2. I have a somewhat obsessive personality. It's taken me years to realise this, but the moment I did I felt liberated. Normally this just covers things like: watching an entire series of the Gilmore Girls in one day, or collecting the complete works of Anais Nin without any real intention of reading them all. However in the past it has also covered: smoking way too much pot, spending far too much money for the hell of it, obsessively and compulsively op-shopping and drinking espresso coffee at any opportunity.

3. I think that learning to make amazing things with lentils is one of the most rewarding things a person can do. Lentils are at the core of my cooking repertoire, and I've never heard anyone complain. So.

4. I am completely obsessed with rose-scented things and have been for about the last three years now. This began from a conversation I had with my therapist this one time - and now I associate the smell of roses with both luxury and security. Bex had this amazing Bulgari scent this one time that smelt like dusty roses and if I could get my hands on it I would wear it shamelessly.

5. I really really really really enjoy my bedroom and it's infinitely improved when I'm listening to Edith Piaf or Marlene Dietrich. I could happily spend pretty much all my time in my lovely little environment. I dream of having a little tiny cottage that I can decorate in exactly the same way that I decorate my bedroom, but with more brocade covered vintage sofas and a pink velvet chaise lounge exactly like the one Lizzie had at the Maarama Crescent flat. Also, I would like climbing roses at the front door.

6. Wearing a coat of lipstick makes me feel very, very happy and very put together. I learnt this while I was doing the Six Items or Less Challenge, and I think it was one of the most valuable things I took away from the whole experience.

7. I am a terrible lace knitter, and am also unbelievably lazy when I lace-knit as well. The holes are all in the wrong places but I am even lazier about unravelling and starting again. When I've finished the Offering Mitts that I started last year I think I can safely say that I will never undertake lace-knitting again. And I will cheer.

Ok, and so now for my seven nominations:

That's it! Happy Monday, lovelies.

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