Thursday, November 03, 2011

And … reappearing again

This morning I am struggling with the World (it’s so bright!) and for the first time for months I actually feel like writing something. So, school be damned! I’m going to write a wee blog post and try and wake up a bit more by drinking this enormous travel mug of coffee and examining my navel.

The last month or so I’ve been quite insanely busy with:
  • beginning my final assignment and finishing off two others
  • job applications - I’m totally sorted with a job which I begin in a few weeks time, FYI. So excited! New things to learn and do and also: having money
  • helping my Dad clear out his house, which is long winded and tiring and emotionally draining
  • the Rugby World Cup (New Zealand won!)
  • getting a bread maker and making loaves of sour dough with my pet bug
  • getting a slow cooker and slow cooking everything I can lay my hands on (YUM STEW)
  • sewing a bunch of dresses for summer because apparently I am an optimist
  • knitting knitting knitting
  • clearing out my stuff and selling it on Trade Me/ giving it away on Freecycle/ taking it to the op shop or the second hand book-store. Stuff has included my roller skates, and my old dressing table set which are two things I have loved and been important and formative in my life. A formative dressing table! It happens.
As a result of my busy-ness, I’ve developed a perpetual To Do list that lives in my diary. While I’m not letting it overwhelm me and am actually crossing stuff off it, it also doesn’t appear to be getting any shorter. In fact, it has incredible growth powers, as though someone is sneaking in the night and feeding it growth hormones. Bizarre.

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I have also been reading:
  • A Suitable Boy, Vikram Seth
  • Any Human Heart, William Boyd
  • Intimacy and Solitude, Stephanie Dowrick
  • Can We Help It If We’re Fabulous?, Peta Mathias
  • French Toast, Peta Mathias

Reader, have you yourself ever read A Suitable Boy? Yes, it is huge. Yes, it does not fit easily into one’s handbag and weighs a fair amount. BUT: I am freaking LOVING IT. I love how epic it is, how delicious it is to sink down with it at the end of a long day and read a bit and love the characters, and then luxuriate in the knowledge of how much longer it’s going to be with me. J’adore, I cannot recommend it highly enough, and also I think it is one of my new favourite books. I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to read it! I’ve had it sitting on my bookshelf forever, but I've always been a little afraid of it's tome-like-ness.

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Finally: I've been thrashing this song lately. Dude, I love Architecture in Helsinki so hard.

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