Next week, on Monday I start my new job. I am VERY excited about it for a number of reasons, ranging from: 'I love learning new stuff' to 'Fuck Yeah, a stepping stone to my Ideal Future'. However, one of the biggest reasons that I'm uber, sickeningly excited, is that I will have money for the first time in months and months and months.
What I want to do is have the world's largest splurge: throw my money around and buy all the shoes and electronics in the world. Summer shoes! Ebook readers! iPhones! Leather jandals! Possibly also I would buy some books and some audio books and some ebooks. Books books books.
However, what I will actually be doing is riding the Debt Unicorn again. Confession time: I have truly fallen off the Unicorn, and have had to increase my debt, telling myself all the time that as soon as I'm working again I'll be able to make some more serious payments. And I know that it's bad because I have tried not to tell anyone (read: the Boy, the SCP lovelies) about my debtiness.
So, what I'd like to do is try and get the credit card paid of in it's entirety by this time next year. In fact, I estimate that I should have it done within six months - but I need to be practical as well, especially as I am planning to make some changes to my living situation. So this is my declaration: that I will have paid of my credit card debt in it's entirety by the 16th of November 2012. I shall update the Unicorn regularly. I shall be honest with myself and others about my monetary situation.
Over my period of getting on top of my debt (and then backsliding) I've discovered how much I prefer to have a budget and know exactly how much I'm spending on a day to day basis. Whenever I backslide I get caught up in a sort of roller coaster ride of budgetary "not knowing" - that is, I kind of enjoy spending without any controls, but then I am struck with horrible fears and random money guilts. Yes, it can be a pain in the arse living within my means, but at least it's not freaking scary.
Currently playing in iTunes: City Girl by CSS
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