The other day I was at Moore Wilsons, near the goats cheese in the Fresh section, and my eye was drawn to the shiny red packet of Ski Queen Gjetost Cheese. Such a great packet! Sort of modernist/Scandinavian packaging design:
This photo is from a blog called Eating the World. From Eating the World I also discovered that
- I should eat it the cheese with fruit or on soft white bread with strawberry jam and butter
- The cheese is made by reducing and caramelising goats and cows milk together
- It is considered somewhat of an acquired taste
When I opened the (beautiful) packet, I found that the cheese itself was a very strange brown colour and a rather peculiar texture. Initially I thought that there was a wax coating on the cheese, because it was so perfect, shiny, smooth and brown. Behold the brown cheese:
Actually, I think the apple is a good suggestion. Will eat with apple next time.
I found Ski Queen Gjestot very processed-tasting. It reminded me of those little triangles of cheese that Mum sometimes put in our lunch boxes when I was a kid, in particular, the pineapple and cheese flavoured one (ugh, those things were so GROSS). Which brings me to my conclusion: I don't like this cheese very much, a revelation for me as I don't think I've found a cheese I don't like since the processed cheese triangle days of yore. On the plus side, the little bit of research that I did for this post has given me some different ways of trying it so I will reserve judgement on the Cheese for the time being. Opinions will be more definite when I get to the bottom of the glorious packet.
Have you ever had this cheese? Suggestions as to how I should be approaching its weirdness?
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