Nat is getting married in a fortnight. Huzzah!
As Anna and I are (extremely proud to be) her bridesmaids, we put on a Hen's party for Nat this Saturday just passed. The theme was My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. Check out my extreme abilities in Photoshopping!
It's insanely super nice putting on a party for someone as in: taking what their idea of an ideal party would be and then actioning it. Not too many tacky Hen's party games either - the lack thereof not being to the taste of everyone but certainly to mine, and most importantly, the Bride's.
We did however play "pin the dress on the Gypsy Bride". I made this one up myself, and Nat did look stunning if I do say so myself:
That's a cat on her waist FYI:
Anna was in charge of drinks and plied us with strawberry daiquiris and champagne with cassis. Pink! Delicious!
Dinner and then into town to have some very civilised drinks at the Library. Gypsy Love Potion! More pink and also like drinking a Turkish Delight. Ridiculous coloured drinks make me so happy.
And now for my favourite photograph of Nat and me ever (I'm the one with all the bronzer in case you can't recognise me without my glasses on).
Currently playing: La javanaise by Serge Gainsbourg
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