Monday, March 05, 2012

365DOP: A month of dressing the Peta Mathias way

Cross posted from 365 Days of Peta

It's been a very busy month here at Casa Ginger, with house moving and working flat out, and *also* the wedding of two of my favourite people.

However, for the first fortnight I approached my task with both diligence and enthusiasm. I have the pictures to prove it! I made a collage:
Peta pics
Most of these pictures were taken at work, and I'm pretty sure that there is at least one extra around: I seem to recall sitting in front of one of the orange walls during one of my shoots. Lovely Fran has been documenting my Peta attempts and I'm sure that we looked perfectly nutty with her taking snaps of me on her iPhone while we traipsed around the office.

As I've already mentioned, my attitude in approaching this part of my project was less to attempt to make myself a carbon copy of Peta, and more to try and listen to her philosophy and follow that. Thus, I found myself wearing more make up, especially lipstick, exhibiting FAR MORE topknots, and wearing more colours - or at least, trying to avoid the ubiquitous Wellington black. This also included me trying to wear more heels which is never easy for me given that I can fall off ballet slippers (not even joking).

The hair thing has been rather fun too: after a long Twitter conversation about Peta's powers of the freaky large hair, I bought myself some Bumpits. Things to say about Bumpits: OMG. Amazing much? Yes they are.

They've also lead me down a rabbit hole of augmented hair styles, thus today I find myself with an augmented top knot: behold the sock bun! (note also the improvement in my fringe from above photos).
Photo on 2012 02 27 at 20 13  2
The dressing month has been rather fun - it hasn't been always easy to maintain given that I've got so many things going on but I feel like I've managed to stretch myself a little. Back In The Day, I was quite dedicated to "theme dressing" - for one month the theme was pantomime pirate - but I've really fallen off the band wagon with this over the years. I'm afraid that I haven't even been trying very hard with dressing in general over the last two years or so - just rolling out of bed of a morning, pulling on the cleanest clothes I can find and going out the door.

Having a theme has made me much more excited about getting dressed. How can I be more Peta-esque today? Also: has reinforced the fact I can't wear heels. I am terrible at walking in heels.
I've planned March as my month of growing old disgracefully. Eighteen days until I am thirty!

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