Having some success with getting my skin sorted at the moment, which is grand. I've been dosing up on a bunch of supplements and oils that were recommended to me years ago in my brief and abortive naturopath experience in Melbourne, and I've found that they've genuinely made a difference to the frequency of flair-ups and how quickly my face heals. Recently, Nat asked me about this, and given that I've done some experimenting (and continue to) I will Share. So generous.
So, my routine for my face is as at present:
- Wash my face with Agg Tval Swedish Egg White soap, and periodically (i.e. when everything is hunky dory) a quick exfoliate with a diddy bit of baking soda
- Tone with apple cider vinegar (1 part ACV to 3 parts water)
- Moisturise with Weleda Almond Oil for sensitve skin
- And then put on some decidedly non-natural sunscreen, because I need sunscreen and I haven't found a good 'natural' one yet
In terms of supplements:
- Tbsp of ACV in water morning and night
- 3000mg fish oil
- Single capsule EPO
- And something called a "Hair and Nail" supplement, which contains magnesium and zinc - the zinc should help with healing
But the main thing is to AVOID - I had a flair-up this weekend because of drinking too much, not drinking enough water and getting sunburnt. Sunburnt is the worst thing ever. The thing to note though is that I've managed to get things under control in a matter of days because of the supplements et al above.
If I could boil it all down I would say: take lots of fish oil and drink more water. You need to drink more water. Oh and also: think sensitive skin if you're buying or making ANYTHING to put on your face, not oily skin kill it with salicylic acid and lots and lots of astringency and exfoliation die die die. *ahem*
At the moment I am also thinking of trying some new stuff out. Specifically, I'm interested to see if the Oil Cleansing Method and neem oil will make a difference to my skin. I've ordered a bunch of stuff from Go Native who are based in Auckland and were very understanding about combining my postage when I made two separate orders on the same day. I've also been obsessively reading Crunchy Betty, and am now basking in my skin after washing with manuka honey. Yes this is ridiculously expensive, HOWEVER we're periodically given honey by Shannon's cousin who is a beekeeper (apiarist) so there is that. Although he's now working in bars in Singapore so perhaps I should mediate my smugness somewhat.
So I have questions, if you have answers: have you tried/love/hate either the OCM or the washing-your-face-with-honey business? Do you have any tried and true tips for the legions of silent rosacea sufferers in the world, but especially me?
Hi Steph, great to hear and I hope that my results are as good as yours. I've bought a bunch of bits online and am eagerly awaiting it's arrival!