Thursday, January 28, 2010

Today is Thursday


Looking like: I’m still insanely tired after Campus A Low Hum and it's becoming increasingly clear to me that I no longer have the stamina of the Seventeen Year Old I Imagine I Am. I caught a glimpse of myself in the toilets at work and I saw age on my face for the first time - and the old woman I imagine that I'm going to grow into. I have to decide to cope with this.

Listening to: Polka Dot Dot Dot, who I saw perform at CALH. I was super lucky to meet Jordan, Onyx and Colleen while Shannon and Kirsten were recording them for the radio and was the only audience member and shameless fan girl. Also I talked to Colleen about knitting, crochet and spinning and she started the conversation.*

Fad a la Mode: Bacon and Egg Pie. Shannon and I made some before we left for CALH on Thursday night, and it was the first bacon and egg pie that I’d ever made. It was amazingly delicious! I've just made another one with extra bits and parsley; I had some dinner and I have enough for work lunch for the rest of the week. Yum! The Edmond’s Cookbook Recipe is idiot proof.

Watched this Week: “Glee” - I know I’m very slow on the uptake on this one. Shannon watched some with me and mocked it’s cheesiness but also acquired one of the PE teachers lines for his day to day life. I’m in love with the evil cheerleading coach who is perfectly evil and Machiavellian.

Reading: The Big Book of Socks. I bought this with my Christmas vouchers for the crafty bookstore Minerva and I am in a happy place with my socks right now. Also a biography of Colette called Secrets of the Flesh - A Life of Colette. This fits perfectly into one of my favourite genres of books: “Biographies of Women Who Lived At Least Partially In Paris Between The Years 1910 and 1950”.

Webreading: I randomly found this site called Rapunzel's Delight and have been lead, strangely, inexorably, into the world of a long hair fetishist who bills his passion for women's hair growth as "good for health". Dude. Some of these women have five feet  of hair. Can you imagine the weight of all that hair? Also you couldn't do anything until it dried and it would get dirty so quickly, like it was a giant dirt-catching net. I'm fascinated and a tiny bit disturbed because the writer is so closeted about the fetishistic aspects of his passion.

Anticipation: Polka Dot Dot Dot are playing at San Francisco Bath House Happy on Friday Wednesday 3rd February. If you’re in Wellington, you should come too!

*I'm pottering away on a series of entries on Campus A Low Hum. It's taking a while! xx
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