Friday, February 19, 2010

Arohanui xxx

♥ clean fresh hair; scheming with Bex; weekend lunches; knitting for others; water!; my new frock with carousel horses; wearing a tiny bit of makeup; dinner with friends; tattoo plans; new job! and; new flat!; watching Marie Antoinette with the Boy and knowing that the only reason he sat through it was because he was watching it with me; dinner with my mum and brothers; the entire box set of Anne of Green Gables to watch *squee*; dailybunny; knowing what I want to do with my hair for the first time in forever; the people who love me through my panic attacks; meandering email conversations; enormous melty banana splits; Cyclops Frozen Yoghurt (OMFG so GOOD); writing “everything is getting better” on my inside wrist and referring back to it; singing in the parking lot at work; my Google Reader "inspiration" list (such a cheese ball I know); rediscovering tea; so many ideas for my birthday party! I can’t decide and; sunshine sunshine sunshine forecast for this weekend.

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