Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today is Dienstag

Emma Block, from her blog

Looking like: I’m all swoony and grossed out from the solvent that the IT dude is using to clean the printer and am displaying my patented “flared nostrils of doom”. Also, I dyed my hair in the weekend and it turned out kind of purple. UGH GROSS BAD NO. I’m hoping that it will fade out to a dark red. Now I just need to have a haircut and I shall be happy. I’m thinking that I would like a bob, which means that either I’ll have to go to the hairdressers, which I can’t really afford, or I have to cut it myself and reconcile myself to having a badly cut home bob. Such are the dramas.

Listening to: Natalie’s partner’s Aunty Jean has very kindly leant me the Harry Potter series on audio book, and DUDES: it’s read by Stephen Fry! Who I love! So I’m having a Harry Potter audio geek out at present.

Fad a la Mode: changing the names of all my projects on Ravelry so they sound crazy sexy cool kooky. Oh yeah. I’ve simultaneously increased my Rav-cred and my geekdom, I’m that good.

Watched this Week: Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Green Gables the Sequel and I’m about to embark on Anne of Green Gables the Continuing Story. I loved Anne as a little girl and I desperately, desperately wanted to be her. I wanted red hair and freckles and puff sleeves and green eyes and a love/hate relationship with a boy named Gilbert. However: re-watching the movie makes me think that Anne is a sap. I’m afraid I’m going to have to re-read the books to see how I really feel about her.

My annoyance with the movies makes me feel as though part of my deep seated knowledge of myself has been destroyed, i.e. the knowledge that I loved Anne Shirley because she was awesome and I was awesome in wanting to be her. WOE! I thought it was fabulous that she was such a drama queen, and (difficult to believe I know), I kind of styled myself on it. In the real world, Anne is mostly just irritating.

I hate writing that.

(NB: I'm pretty sure that Anne is completely and utterly the inspiration for dying my hair red/auburn/ginger at every opportunity).

Reading: I’ve finished my Colette biography. At present I am “between books” unless you count all of the books that I’m partially through reading and have abandoned. I might pick up the second volume of Simone de Beauvoir’s biography again, provided she doesn’t whine endlessly about Sartre (hah! I kill me).

Webreading: No time no time no time! Whenever I’m on the web I’m changing the names of my projects on Ravelry. Have I mentioned that?

Anticipation: Drink with my departing brother Josh tonight, a blog and booze evening with Bex tomorrow, cheap eats and general fabulosity with Nat on Thursday, and the Boy back briefly this weekend.

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