Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm off the internet and things go BOOM!

So blah blah, no blog posts for a month and photo a day failed spectacularly and blah. Also, I haven't been skating for ages and am now quiiiite unfit. Also, what happened to yoga? I loved yoga.

Also I haven't been checking my reader and now I have over 1000 unread posts! It's mind blowing.

My excuses for my lack of being around are: changing job (where I spend all day on the internet anyway but working now), moving in with the Boy who has recently got back from overseas and being heinously loved up, knitting many hats and a cardigan. Eating and cooking and eating. Watching Deadwood again. Procrastinating because it is too hard. Going to goodbye parties (*tear*).

I'll ease myself back in to it. I have a secret awesome project coming up with Bex but I don't think it will go live for a wee while. Start watching this space again.


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