Friday, June 18, 2010


A rip-off TILT! On a Friday! Like Originality! But without the part where I come up with an original concept!

And now with no further ado - A Bunch of Stuff that I Love.

Having the Boy around. Absence made my heart super fond y’all, and although I miss him horribly when he’s gone, I like him coming back so much (with presents and kisses) that I’m willing to put up with it. Also I get to eat pizza in bed and watch crappy TV on my laptop while he’s away. He would never put up with such a display of slobbishness.

Finishing the epic cardigan of DOOM. You may have heard of this. I’ve been knitting it since March and finally, FINALLY, it’s finished. I’m wearing it right now and it’s super super warm and wonderful. In fact, I am also wearing a scarf and a hat and a pair of handwarmers that I knitted and I look a little bit like I’ve had a horrible accident in a yarn store - albeit, a very stylish yarn store.

Google Chrome. I’ve changed my browser to Chrome at work, and I’m loving it. Call me Ms Geek Von Geekness Who is Late on the Bandwagon (please?). It’s definitely faster and I like the way the tabs disappear so prettily and animatedly (plink! It’s gone!). I’m planning to change my browser at home now - I’d put off doing it for ages because I hated the idea of having to copy all my bookmarks over, but having discovered that Chrome will do it for me I can think of no reason to hold off. FAB.

Spinning wheel. It’s changed my spinning habits for the better/faster/more efficient. I wish I was spinning now.

Having an open fire at work. Hello Heaven! And keeping warm!

Stupid awesome television quotes; and especially these quotes from The New Adventures of Black Beauty and It Is I, Count Homogenized respectively. Man, there are some great lines out there, but I'd rather read them in isolation than watch TV, so call me a philistine and rub my belly. Mmm, philistine belly rub.

Book club and lovely book club girls. For our last book, we read Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins and there is no way I would have otherwise - I'd never heard of it and the blurb is very vague. Also, apparently there is no costumes (!) I LOVED IT. And I strongly recommend. The Wikipedia run down makes it sound like shit, otherwise I'd link through to that. Please take my recommendation and run with it!

My knee recovering enough to allow me to ride my bike around and start skating again. Injuries that affect walking, and exercise, and skating, and heel-wearing are absolutely horrible, and the feeling of recovering is absolute bliss.

Talking and Scheming with Bex. 

And I think that will about do for this week! Love love, lovelies. Have a fab weekend.

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