Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Wednesday List: ten things in 2010 updated

I forget where this comes from. Please let me know  if you know.

It's been a while (five months!) and I guess it's as good a time as any to reassess where I'm at with this. "Pleasantly surprised" springs to mind: there are a couple of things that have slid (the hard things) but all in all I'm pretty much on top of everything. Good Ginger! You get ten points and a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. And still seven months before the end of the year!

1. Pay back credit card debt. Still ongoing. I'm making a tiny bit of headway, but "tiny" I think is the operative word. One of my main aims for the next few months is to really commit to this.

2. Learn to hula hoop. I've emailed the Wellington Circus people and they got back to me super quickly which was lovely of them. But it looks as though there will be no hooping classes in Wellington this year! Please let me know if you know otherwise - but it looks as though I am going to have to put a tentative strike through this as "not entirely possible in 2010". I can still hoop at home though, I guess?

3. Learn to spin.

4. Make a decision about returning to study and prepare myself to start in 2011. This decision is pretty much made - I have a contract that will finish up at the beginning of the University year next year, and I've pretty much sorted what class I want to take (web development). I've requested an enrolment pack and now it's just a matter of following through and applying.

5. Learn how to wear contact lenses. I need to contact the optometrist about this one. As I write, it's almost ten at night. So I guess I will have to try to work out what's going on tomorrow sometime.

6. Go to Camp a Low Hum and have a really super fab time.

7. Go to Blood and Thunder Camp and learn heaps and use my awesome and newly found skating skills to score twenty points for my team in the next bout. I'm striking this! Officially this one is off my list. Sigh. I never made it to Blood and Thunder Camp and my fitness is marginal at best. And my knee is bung so first bout is out.

8. Make a budget and stick to it. No progress here at all. Again, this is something that I am going to really commit to for the rest of this year. Do it. Now.

9. Get the tattoo I’ve been talking about getting for five years. Done! It's healing so still kind of scabby, but I do rather love it.

10. Unclutter my life and maintain a clutterless environment. This seems like a very vague aim now. I cleared out a bunch of stuff when I was moving house back at the end of March, but unfortunately I just think that most of my clutter has moved into the garage. I think it's fair to say that I have less things, but I don't know how uncluttered my environment is. My working time is a lot better I think and my working environment less cluttered. It seems rather belated, but I need to really work out what I mean by this. Another good thing to think about over the month - if I have this sorted by the beginning of July then I'll have a much better idea how to go about it for the final six months of the year.

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