Friday, July 02, 2010

Arohanui: On Friday, where I list a bunch of stuff that I ♥

via Married To The Sea. I have all of these symptoms excerpt the insomnia, but that's only because of the laudanum

♥ My Boy is here this weekend! He’s taking a break from the epic work trip around the North Island, and I plan to scheme with him about trips and budgets in between teacups of whiskey and kisses.

♥ Discovering a cache of cheesy pop songs on my computer at work. The computer I use still has the previous owners iTunes library loaded up on it and imagine my joy to discover a bunch of Beyonce, Destiny’s Child and Kelis music that I would never confess to wanting to own. I am on a permanent ‘Single Ladies’ loop now, and it makes me happy.

♥ Surprises! My Boy sent me a parcel of sliver and a super sweet note, and I also received the first letter in Mister Black’s letter sending project. So a good week for exciting stuff in the mail, indeed.

♥ Coffee coffee coffee always and forever. You’re my number one, Coffee.

♥ The women I skate with. I confess, skating often puts me at my wits end, but I can’t dispute that I have met some seriously awesome women through derby. My Smash Malice buddy Rocket Queen is rocking my world at the moment - super supportive.

♥ Seeing peeps during lunch breaks, still a novelty after the dread Hutt experience that was my previous job. I’ve caught up with Mon who I haven’t really seen since my Ricochet days, I saw Jessica and her husband and brand new baby earlier this week, and have plans in the works to see Bella and Sarah and Matthew.

Honourable mentions:
♥ Wearing homemade clothes ♥ toasted sandwiches♥ IM with Bex ♥ mixtape CDs ♥ Milk Crate ♥ pre-pay coffee cards ♥ enormous bottles of whiskey ♥ my terrabyte drive (geek) ♥ rediscovering the power of conditioner ♥ knitting tattoo plans ♥

Bonus extra awesomeness, because it never gets old:

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