Monday, February 28, 2005

I had a coffee with Sally and now I can't sleep

And here I am once again, writing in the middle of the night about the evening behind me and the neuroses that are sure to await me in the morning... Went to a launch of a new store: Little Brother (menswear). The store is visible from where I work at Ricochet and it looks likw quite a nice store. Clothes are kind of dull, well tailored shirts and jackets, pants looked really bad on all the models though, who were basically just nice looking guys from around town. The skinny boys didn't fill the pants out properly (hence; their arses looked even smaller) and the bigger boys had the pants riding up their cracks. However, some of the jackets were beautiful. Expensive though, I'm sure. The place was filled with people that I have never even seen wandering around town, felt very odd. The Matterhorn was beyond packed out, there was far too many people and we were all pushed cheek by jowl. Bex commented that she felt as though she were at the stockyards. Lots of random L'Affare people there which made me feel a bit funny. Lovely to be hanging out with my lovely Bex-shallah, although she abandoned me at ten to nine to go home with her new squeeze type. I forgive her for he is SO nice, and such a good person, but also biting and scathing enough for Bex. My only fear is that she'll break his heart... Andy and I were discussing this today and that was his contention, that she would break his heart in the end. I suspect that this would always be a danger with someone as fantabulous as Bex though, she is alike to the Monsoon. So, after being friend dumped I began to make my back to Te Valley, and decided that I should like to have a coffee and a piece of cake before I got home. Dropped into Midnight Espresso, saw Sally eating a piece of cake, who had also been at the launch and had clearly had a similar idea on her way home. So I sat in companionable silence/had a sort-of conversation with her for about an hour, before she left. Also had a chat with Charly's brother Hugo about Stuff. He is so lovely, and has just started a new band which I shall be investigating in the future perhaps. I figure that this is just about all the news I have for this evening, as random and as raving as it maybe. Oh, excepting that we convinced Greg to blow a condom up on his head at work today, it was chocolate flavoured and Aiden will be posting a link to the photos pretty soon, hopefully. And that work was otherwise kind of dull, although fun as it always is when I'm not ridiculously run off my feet. I don't mind working in hospo provided I don't have to work too many shifts when I have to do a clean up. Lazy, huh.

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