Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Break down the day into three easy points

Uncharitable thought: Watching a woman feed her baby egg yolk at the cafe, I pondered upon the Darwinistic instinct that would encourage one mother to feed to her young the infertile traces of another baby animal. Discovery: My boyfriend uses the internet to access porn (I wondered: what was amateurpages?). Apparently porn sites spy on one another (and on me) and as a result I have ended up with the irremovable Hot_tarts.exe on my hard drive. The mind boggles over exactly what all those hot_tarts could be doing in there. I know that there is a lot of empty space in the casing around the hardware. Recently watched movie: Finding Neverland was interesting in its dramatisation of J.M Barrie's life and had some very subtle computer animation, which was nice for a change. This reminded me somewhat of Heavenly Creatures in the combination of a serious movie and the use of some kind of special effect to simulate the imagination of the characters. I actually found that J.M Barrie appeared less interesting throughout the movie than I always imagined him, as a figure. However, the ending was appalling in its cheesiness and was surely created purely to be used as a film clip at the Oscars.

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