Thursday, March 03, 2005

Right, so waiting tables isn't brain surgery

Today I worked my crappy job with not one but two new staff members. Discovering this upon my arrival, I was somewhat surprised by this, given that I hadn't been told that I would be training new types... (only fair to warn me?). Right, so waiting tables isn't brain surgery, but apparently the whole concept of moving fast is completely beyond some people. And also, lacking in the initiative department was she. Claiming to have worked in restaurants in New York, the quaint till of Wellington challenged her no end: "I'm used to a computer... I think it was a Mac program... I can do complicated stuff but I can't use a till!" - to which I reply... "Oh, its fairly straight forward. You just push the buttons. I'm sure that you'll get better as you go along." Throughout the day, I could hear her dulcet tones (semi-American, love those contrived accents!) repeating my name, over and over again. "Sarah... where are the straws?" They're fluorescent pink, you've worked three shifts, and they're right in front of you. Not easy to miss really. "Sarah, can you tell me your little abbreviations again?" Why yes, a flat white is abbreviated FW and a long black is LB... "Oh, so thats quite straight forward!" Straight forward yes, and yet she still does not do it. The entire day. Then I went to Uni and picked up my last assignment in which I got an A+. Hooray for me! I went to check my email and discovered that the Hot_tarts were back on my hard drive. And my printer makes a delightful grinding noise but is still not working.

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