Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Most Stupidest Post

I am so stupid. I wrote an entire post before and I forgot to post it, thus, it is LOST. Gone. So, I repeat Today is the Last Day of University. I have handed in my final fabulous assignment, and am now ready to restart my life, to make many, many resolutions. The first of these is to be incredibly dull and save a lot of money so that I can travel and study overseas later on. The second is to make an effort not to mind my two crappy part time jobs, but rather to enjoy the fact I'm not struggling too much and that I have no responsibilities and don't have to think too much in either (job, that is). The third resolution is to not let my parent's incredibly dysfunctional relationship rule my life. I have no control over this situation, it is simply not worth my while to put a huge amount of emotional effort into solving their problems. Finally, I am determined to be more hedonistic, while smoking considerably less pot. NO more pot for me! I shall be able to determine social situations daily with the power of this resolution behind me. So in actual fact, this resolution is more about not smoking so much pot, rather than about being hedonistic. Hmmm. Actually, its about lessening the level of my hedonism. So, as a result of all of my fabulously exciting resolutions, I will of course be saving lots of money, paying back debts to certain government agencies and banks. I would love to be debt free before I study in the future. Debt free, and a confident bicycle rider. The future is nigh! Only excitement and miles of road lie in front of me.

1 comment :

Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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