Thursday, April 07, 2005

Decisions, decisions

I came home the other evening and the Boy suggested that we throw it all in, stop saving for the (larger, general, more hypothetical) trip and move to Australia (closer, cheaper, more manageable). LAST night (after seeing my lovely Bex and having beer with her), Andy suggested Adelaide as a possibility. We did a tiny bit of research online, and yeah, Adelaide seems ok. Today we thought we'd pop into some travel agents and look at the kind of prices we would be paying for a flight, one way, to Adelaide and the next moment we'd paid and were going on the sixth of June. SOOOOO exciting, and scary (and not that well thought through?). Predictably, my mother is very upset that I would want to leave Wellington at all. Father is a lot better adjusted (despite dramatics the other evening). I can't believe that I'm actually leaving! Scary, scary and exciting. Scary, exciting. Scary, exciting. Scary.....

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