Monday, April 25, 2005

The Lights Go Out and Boredom Ensues

It is a nod to my English heritage to discuss the weather as though it were a perfectly reasonable topic of conversation. Thus, I would like to note that the weather last night was absolutely dreadful... the coldest night of the year and a terrible (and exciting) thunderstorm. Lots of precipitation. We still have no gas bottle for the heater, so the two of us were huddled under a feather duvet and a feather sleeping bag and were watching repeats of repeats of the Simpsons on TV when... There was a huge clap of thunder, a flash of lightening and all of the lights went out, and the television, and all the little lights letting me know that various appliances were standing by. So, we were sitting in the pitch black in the lounge. It was a very dark night. Andy and I were excited for about five minutes and ran around looking for torches and candles, running into corners of tables and tripping over all the shit on the floor as we did so. Our excitement wore off pretty quickly when we realised that we only had two tea light candles in the house and the only torches we had were the ones on the top of our cellphones. AND we had NOTHING to do (we've been going out for almost five years, so a conversation was out of the question of course). The lights came on again after about fifteen minutes. However, two realisations came from this experience: The first is that if there was ever a real emergency (like an earthquake or tsunami) we would be completely stuffed, as we have no emergency kit whatsoever. No candles, no torches, no emergency water bottles. No cans of spaghetti or peaches or black doris plums. Secondly, having no light is really boring.


  1. Hello Sarah, thanks for dropping in at my blog.

    Thanks too for the compliment...I'm "experimenting" with our language...

    And why do I keep dropping by here after I read your comment on Omar Phillips blog? It's your crisp, clean style laced with humour. Love it!!

    Black outs? We used to have 'em for HOURS. We hardly have now...but because we're 'seasoned', and don't trust the light co. anymore, we have flash lights [with batteries], candles, matches...

    I must check out Sia candle light or any light.

  2. A couple of years ago, we had an ice storm that took out the power for six days. As in your case, it was exciting at first. By day 4, we were ready to resort to cannibalism (not for lack of food, just because we were all going crazy with boredom). I feel your pain.

  3. Hmmm... and I was complaining about 10-15 minutes. I feel blessed that I have to deal so infrequently and for such a short period of time with lack of power.

  4. It certainly doesn't happen often where I live. Also, your post about the 10-15 minute outage is a better story than I could write about my 6 day outage! Don't feel bad about complaining.

  5. I like The Simpson's. It is the longest running animated series running in the US. That says something about us silly people huh? Have you seen the one were Bart calls an Aussie boy? Bart gets him to flush the toilet to see if the water goes down the other way. It is so damn funny. There is another part in the bar when Marge goes to get a coffee and the guy kept saying beer. Then Homer goes to the bathroom in the US Embassy, a little motor comes out and makes the water go the same way as it does here in the US. He says, "God bless America!"

    Anyway young lady, thanks for visiting my random site. Did you buy candles, flashlights and some playing cards? My friends and I use to play a game called Speed as kids. Now we bought this card game called Phase 10 and play that for hours while drinking.

  6. When we have blackouts [not often now] all the neighbours generators go on. LOUD. Tearing at your ear drums. And stinking up the place with awful bunker oil smell.

    I can't even pray they'll explode...our house is too close.


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