Thursday, May 12, 2005

This is the last one. Clearly I am tired and I need to go to bed.


  1. clearly you're having fun.

    i'm tired from a full day of painting, working on my craft things. i'm out of puff.

  2. Oooh, pray tell about the craft things.

  3. Finally! I figure out how to post a comment. Am technologically inept, obviously *Sarah pats Bex's head, murmuring reassuring noises*. Gosh golly, when I was reading your whole blog - yes the whole thing, twice - my heart swelled andIthougtabouhowmuch woulmiss youwhenyoumove. Goddamit, my cordles keyboard at work is fucking out agin, what is the goddammn point of having a fancy-schmancy keyboard if the goddammn thing won'twork? Anyway, I meant to drop by your work yesterday and tell you what an awful last week I've had, I'm on this new pill that makes me CRAZY with too much oestrogen: weepy and neurotic and flighty as hell. It sucks the hairy bird. But I was running late, so could not, had to keep trotting up Lambton Quay in my stupid shoes that get stuck in the little gaps in the pavement.

    Oh, and a question: do you really think I'm going to break Joe's heart? Abby read your blog and concurs with you and Andy. Am I really that much of a heartless
    bi-arch? Please reply, Agony Aunt, tell me how to fix my life.

  4. Creative indeed! I love the makeup and earrings.

  5. Omar: you will be surprised by how accurate this self-portrait is. I own those earrings, although they are more symmetrical perhaps than represented here.

    Bex my dearest darling neurotic little ball of oestrogen-ny goodness: I'm allowed to reassess the situation yes? I think that the basis under which I was assessing the situation was on the first time I had met you both, before you were a la couple and while you were two hesitant individuals. Joe seemed like he was really into you but your level of energy was heaps higher than his, and I could see that your personality was the more dominant. When I saw you together at my birthday dinner you seemed a lot more on the same level (?) than previous. By this, I mean in terms of your energy levels. Darling, you know that I love you to absolute pieces and I do not think that you are a heartless bi-ach, and I wish you soooo much happiness. Tell yourself that the pills are talking. Am I a terrible person? I'm sorry if I upset you. I will miss you too much to say. What are you up to next week? Call me : ).

    P.S Love it that you read the whole thing. Hope you did it on company time?

  6. Sarah darling,

    Been meaning to ask. Why you going to Oz? I'm entranced by the idea of you south sea folk living in the, well, south seas. And mooching about, over vast areas, huge areas, HUGE! I know Northern Europe is big but it's all land. GB is about the same size as NZ but it doesnt' feel small cos it's next to the continental land mass. But NZ! So far away, so surrounded by sea. Can you recommend a NZ novelist that can give me a sense of what it's like to live there?


  7. First: Mr Dan Flynn - NZ writers seem to excel in the short story genre, I find. Try Patricia Grace and Witi Ihimaera if you are wanting an insight into a NZ childhood (we all studied these for School Cert, so seems a little trite to suggest them, but they are actually quite naively good), or Chad Taylor if you want something more sophisticated and twisted - he's a bit like Will Self almost, maybe same sense of the absurd? Hmm.

    Sarah my dear (does anyone else call you Sez? Or just moi?), thanks eternally for your reply. Not that I have been losing sleep over whether I will break Joe's heart - my lack of worry is, in itself, perhaps worrying - but it's nice to know what you think.

    I was listening to Joe's radio show the other day, and he had a giveaway of some tickets to the ballet. I've been wanting to go to this ballet so I rung up, was the first caller and got them! Yeah! He picked up the studio phone and said (all manly deep husky voice) "You've got them", I just laughed and he squeaked, "Bex?". It was funny. Maybe you had to be there. So anyway, I'm going to the ballet tonight, and I'm taking Joe as my date, funnily enough.

    Have you got plans for the weekend?


  8. We talked about it at work and agreed that Hone Tuwhare would be good to read as well. The thing about most of the writers producing work in New Zealand is that they work in a very specific, dark noirish way - in film this is called "cinema of unease". So, I can recommend lots of writers but they tend to work in a specific genre that is quite distant from my experience of New Zealand.

    Why Australia? See the Adelaide post for most of the answers to that... we were planning on starting our OE in the UK (I'm a british citizen) but didn't have enough money and were desperate to go!

    Bex my darling, going to stroll up on my lunch break and see you. Seeing Charly tonight and going to see Andy's Nana in Plimmerton on Saturday. Sunday going to see Hitchhiker's Guide with Dad and the boys. Its all go in my hood.

    Wish I was going to the ballet. *Sulk sulk*

  9. OK...the craft thing...I design bed/table linen, wall hangings with pockets at the back [I like functional art]/ quilts/ hand bags/ purses/ travel bags for undies, socks, whatever.

    Then I make 'em myself. I don't like making things that look tacky and cheap. And I tend to do one of a kind, because mass production is booooooring.

    Oh...the only thing I mass produce are cards / notelets...I cut out my own stencils. Yes, it's tedious but in Guyana there's always someone to chat with while I work haha...

    I sell these hand-crafted items to folks shopping for something totally different, not mass produced and won't see it in someone else's home.

    The one joy I get out of it [apart from the money] is being able to produce something beautiful.


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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