Sunday, May 08, 2005

Who was the Two Hundredth Visitor?

I checked my counter this morning from the Blog Patrol website and noticed that my counter now read 200. But I had no comments! Who was the two hundredth visitor? Forever it will be A Mystery and now, the moment is gone. Glory snatched away from me by an anonymous someone's non-commenting whim. On Friday Andy and I dated for the first time in ages, went to see Rhian Sheehan play at Stage. I hadn't seen live electronica for so long, and had forgotten just how great it was to watch (I can see the music, man!) We had dinner at home, then a bottle of wine at Tupelo and on to the gig. And the whole time I kept thinking about all the things I was going to miss about Wellington, all the people and places. Of course, lots of these things are also the things that annoy me, like not being able to be hungover at work without five or six people coming into the store and then thinking you're incredibly rude for not being disgustingly friendly (and in fact being grumpy and hungover). Or being stopped on the street whenever you're in a hurry by someone you haven't seen for two months who really wants to chat. In Wellington I feel like I know too many people, and I spend a lot of my time feeling guilty about not seeing them. In Adelaide I will be a very small and friendless fish in a substantially larger pond. Its going to take me a while to get used to that, but in my head that anonymity is connected to a feeling of freedom. Anonymity here I come! In thirty (30) days...


  1. 202. I wish I could take credit for it, but it wasn't me.

  2. Hellooo...told you it was me but the counter was cheating.

    Ah yes, I know what you mean about living in a fish bowl. Everybody watching you. Everybody noticing, knowing everything. But then there's also the comfort of being amongst those who care...

    Enjoy the adventure!

  3. Undies, talking about 'are you related to..', listen to this one!

    I was in another country, another place, walking down the road with my cousin, when a man approached us. He was from my little country, Guyana. He looked straight at me and said, 'Excuse me, are you A'.s daughter?'

    A. is my AUNT. People say I look like her.

    But for this to happen in another country...?

    Gee. The fishbowl is bigger than I thought!

    Hehe...Sarah...does that make you feel better? hehe...

  4. I wonder whoooo you'll bump into in Adelaide who will holler your name from wayyyyy up the street, someone from back home. Some customer who remembers escape, eh?


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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