Friday, May 27, 2005

Whoop! There it is

You may remember that I've had a nasty cough for the last few weeks.

This cough has become progressively worse and now the hacking-until-the-point-where-I-almost-vomited became paired with a delightful whooping for air and drooling. This morning, I woke up at 7 am to find that I couldn't breathe, I could only whoop.

And thus, I sucked it up and bankrupted myself by going to the doctors. And it turns out I have a whooping cough-type virus (Thanks Gina). 

The doctor informed me that there is a couple of these going around and that there was nothing he could really do to make it go away.  "One of these viruses is called the Hundred Day cough" he informed me, "so, keep in mind that it may last awhile."

I'm furious about being ill, because I just do not have the time to be unwell at the moment. There is only ten more days until we leave, and I have far too much to do.

In addition to that, I get scared that I might die when I cough - makes me feel sorry for small children who contract the whoop.

 On the plus side, there is lots of fun puns that you can make with the words "whooping" and "whoop". So Pollyanna.


  1. Oh my poor darling! Will you be ok? Do you need me to come over and cook you my divine minestrone?

    I spose you have andy for that. Hmm.

    Much love,


  2. Don't need minestrone but do need you! When can I see you?

    Kisses and such

  3. Sarah luv, I'm so sorry you have that cough. I sometimes suffer from something similar when I catch a cold, because of the stupid asthma.

    Agh. Being sick and travelling! Oh no. I feel for you.

    How about garlic tablets and honey. How about Manuka honey? It's supposed to be the best. [Even though it smells like a flippin' antiseptic something!]

    Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Hundred Day Cough?!?! Ouch. Here's to hoping yours is limited to more like 25 or 30 days.

  5. Unfortunately your doctor is right, we've all had the same cough up north here. I can tell you though that the thing that got rid of it for us was to take two echinacea & garlic tablets each day, I think Healtheries make them so your supermarket should have them. Hope you get better.

  6. Sarah, darling, rest up. Cough's are bastards. I hear they never cough in Oz and there is no illness. Or maybe I'm mixing it up with heaven. Anyway, don't mistake Oz for heaven. Unless you're Australian of course, but you're not, so you wont.



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