Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Not enough hours in the day

I totally have the intention to continue this blog in Adelaide and Onwards while we are on our OE, but everything is CRAZY at the moment. There is too much to do and not enough hours in the day in which to achieve it all.

Half our furniture has departed and we just gave away our TV and DVD player to one of my little brothers. Both Andy and I feel sick and nervous and excited all at the same time.

Last night I woke up at midnight and couldn't go back to sleep for something like four hours, I was just worrying and thinking and worrying some more.

Last day at the cafe today! Can't wait to see the back of that place. Love everyone I worked with, Boss beginning to regain some semblance of sanity and so today was almost tolerable.

Last day of Ricochet tomorrow! Bitching! No more glitoris for me. No more insecure women...no more Saturday bullshit. More friends to miss.

Thank you everyone for kind words about my cough... Andy's aunty is a nurse and thought that I should wear a SARS mask on the plane, but otherwise I'm sure that it won't knock me back too much.

My biggest problem health wise at the moment is that I'm drinking far too much - I say goodbye to individual groups of people almost every night at the moment. BIG night on Saturday - I lost my keys and ended up wandering around Wellington for an entire day on Sunday because I couldn't get into the house. I was still in my party clothes (patent leather shoes and polka-dot frou-frou skirt) and had a huge hole in my stockings from falling over on the way to a karaoke bar where I sung My Sharona - badly. If demand is great enough I can provide a series of heinous photos to illustrate my debauchery and consequent downfall(s).

Sorry if this reads like an especially dull and trite email to one of my girlfriends, but hey, genius takes time. At least, that's what I tell myself. Everyday my genius refuses to emerge. Six Days to go!


  1. I am soooo excited for you, but I'll miss New Zealand.

    But I'll enjoy your trip around oz if you get to blog there.

    I think your adventure into fame [in the karaoke bar] and infamy [wandering around town with torn stockings] is amusing, entertaining.

    I'd love to see the series of heinous photos of your [mis]deeds :-D

  2. Photos!! Bring on the heinous photos!

  3. PHOTOs! rock and roll to the photographic evidence of your debauchery! I saw it in the flesh mind you, but once is not enough. Not nearly enough...


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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