Tuesday, June 07, 2005

International Woman of Mystery

This post is my first from Australia. We arrived last night after a few days of complete insanity packing up the flat and saying goodbye and getting drunk and maudlin from the whiskey and impending life changes. By the time we boarded the plane I was desperate to go - no more final anythings, no more goodbyes! First impressions:
  • Very warm, 24 degrees today compared with 11 degrees in Wellington when we left. Apparently this in unseasonal and is due to drop away in the next few days, but hell, we'll enjoy it while we can.
  • HUGE sky. Seems strange that the sizes of skies are comparative, but there you are. The sky is definately bigger than the sky in New Zealand. Is this something to do with the distance to water?
  • Adelaide is lovely - there is a huge food market here with the most beautiful coffee roasters and cheeses and fresh bread and fresh sausage and a huge free range chicken butchery. Andy and I were very excited cruising and perusing. We could probably spend the time there alone, set up in a corner and sleep on cardboard boxes and under newspapers.

Tomorrow I have a job interview at a temping agency - more dull work I know, but Andy is expecting to live off me for a while, given that he has essentially supported me over the last few years while I was studying.


  1. Congrats on the safe arrival! And good luck with the job search.

  2. yes, good luck. I know from experience that it's hard (but fun?!) to start from scrap in a new world! Have fun! Enjoy! And don't panic! (I'm half talking to myself as if I could change my past experience)

  3. Envy is a very, very, very bad thing. Very, very bad. I am filled with envy :-)

    Yes, isn't the sky there HUGE? Big and wide and huuuuuge?

    Good luck. Have fun. Laugh with the kookaburras for me.


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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