Sunday, July 17, 2005

Freebase blogging - the joy of the internet cafe

I'm writing from an internet cafe that offers cheap gaming... ridiculously small computer desks though. Andy is sitting next to me, his ears are up by his head. So, nothing terribly exciting has happened lately with the exception of Andy's new job, which moves us out of the financial poo and definitively toward travelling away from what is increasingly becoming the grave for my soul. Today I applied for a new job... I would rather wait tables than process mortgages. By Friday last week I wanted to implode from boredom and the sense of despair that the rows upon rows of desks impressed upon me. And then, the piece de resistance, the conversation that signalled the absolute end of my tolerance... the assumption that I am a nice, quiet, conservative girl, who is frankly shocked by any admission of sexual danger. To be more specific: Nameless workmate (imagine the ultimate mother's boy, 6"7, fairly chunky with it, eats far too much junkfood, never exercises - diabetes just waiting to happen) discusses his love for S&M on a fairly regular basis, despite the fact he doesn't appear to be getting terribly much sex even of the more conservative type. On Friday he announced that his whip had broken (skin crawls). Other work mate comments that we ought to watch out, as "Sarah must be feeling a bit embarrassed, she tends to be quite shy and bashful. When she goes home she must tell her boyfriend how risque we all are!" I am speechless with shock and horror, that they would consider themselves as such! (and discuss it in a public place - does anybody honestly say such things, with no sense of irony whatsoever?) I believe that in actual fact we'll find that when I go home I bitch to my boyfriend how much I hate my job and how geeky all my workmates are... not geek chic, but geek in denial (like Jenny, my old flatmate). At any rate, for some reason, this conversation was the ultimate end. I cannot face going back to that place indefinitely. It is breaking my soul. It is making Adelaide even more intolerable than it all ready is. Cross your fingers so that I might get that other job. Clap your hands if you believe in fairies. Think about my soul with all your power... it just might save it. Maybe.


  1. I do believe in fairies - there are a few that ply between Wellington and Picton (or is that ferries pronounced with a Wellington accent?). Anyway, I'm clapping! Genghiz

  2. Clap clap clap clap clap there's a fairy.

    I had one such co-worker. The bane of my work life. He was lazy too. Then he was asked to resign.

    Prayers do get answered.


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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