Monday, July 04, 2005

I'm so short of cash, I'm sending mass emails to my blog

HELLOOOOOOO! I wish that I could tell you that the reason I hadn't written for so long is because of my massively exciting social life, but in actual fact it is because I haven't been able to get to a computer for so long. My job bites more that anything in the entire universe, but I guess you win some (ie: have money and a job) you lose some (brain, enthusiasm, ability to form complete sentences). I have had so many lovely emails from everyone and as soon as I get into some kind of routine (its taking a while, I know) I will make a concerted effort to write you all incredible detailed character studies of all the Australian Nutcases that I work with... In an effort to save our selves from the soul destroying dullness of Adelaide, Andy and I have been going away to various points of interest during the weekends. This means that we have seen much Australian wildlife (smashed on the road, often as not). The weekend just past we went to Kangaroo Island with a Scottish girl called Liz who I work with and her flatmate, an English girl called Helena. UK backpackers have rightfully gained their reputation. We saw kangaroos all along the sides of the roads, little tiny wallabies and penguins, koalas in the trees, lorikeets, galahs, an echidna by the side of the road, some kind of goose... We also went for a two hour walk to find platypus before discovering at the furthest point that platypus are rarely, if ever, seen this time of the year. Our flat is slowly becoming filled up with stuff - Andy found a tv on the side of the road and we have been given a bed and a sofa by aforementioned UK types, who live with hippy-ish Australian artists... so exhibition openings are nigh! We're going to see a premier of a new film by an up and coming Indigenous film maker on Wednesday and have been invited to watch a AFL game this weekend too. Its all soooo experiential. Lots of tight shorts. Andy is still looking for a job - apparently there is a veritable glut of chefs and not enough jobs. That and the parochialism of the South Australian work force.... I will endeavour to correspond more regularly. You would not believe how much I miss everyone and HOME! Feel tearful reading emails from home and love hearing from everyone, so please don't stop writing despite my lack of correspondence! I had a horrible experience the other day when this nasty woman at work told me I had a spot on my back and I ended up in tears because I was really tired anyway and SO homesick... one of the other temps has taken me under her wing and ended up sitting with me for a while. But this is the first time I've cried since I've been here, and that must be some kind of record? xxxxx Sarah


  1. Maybe you should say to the horrible woman at work, 'Hey that enormous spot on your face looks horrendous. Fuck, sorry that is your face!' It might not be gracious, it might not be tasteful but it might just be nicely brutal. If you're not up to that then pass us her phone number I suspect there's a few of your fans out here who'd ring the bugger up and give her a wee talking to. Put her straight on a few things, maybe a little punch, in the kidneys, nothing too hard, that might mark, just one, okay more than one, got a cosh, she'll never know it was me... oops sorry, carried away, better stop...


  2. Hey Sarah, I was so happy a new post.

    And apart from Horrible Nasty Woman at work, it sounds as if things are, as we say, 'coming to come.' Art shows, experimental movies, beach, wild life, doing stuff on weekends...gosh...

    Don't worry, one day the homesickness will go. And New Zealand is close, you can visit for a weekend, can you? When you start to make more $$?

    I hope Andy finds a job soon.

  3. Yo Sawah,

    good to see you keeping the masses informed but you are going to need to post more often to keep me from the boredom of my job! And I agree with your other supporters - ignore the mean lady, you have a lovely back :)

    xx Fran


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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