Thursday, June 23, 2005

Things and stuff and more things

As I write this, there is a man break dancing to early Michael Jackson tracks in the lobby of the YHA.
So, having been abandoned by Canadian Dave, Andy and I have settled down in glorious Henley Beach, Adelaide.... where you can see the beach for miles in either direction. Clearly our arrival here has resulted in the immediate breaking of the three year drought as Adelaide has been having the worst weather lately... the most amazing huge storms which I have had to walk to the bus stop in (of course). I've never before lived as close to the beach as we do now and I LOVE it. Today the weather had finally dropped and I walked home from the bus along the waterfront - glorious, beautiful sunset and the water all foaming on the beach, white sand. La Factoire is TRULY appalling, row upon row of people mortgage processing. I cannot fathom how some people have worked there for so long. My contract is due to last for three months and I'm telling you that that is quite enough for me. I spend all day doing the same thing I did before but with different accounts, filling out form letters and faxing them off with title searches and authorities. My eyes roll back in my head and I foam at the mouth. There is much muttering under the breath. I am bored out of my fucking skull. And the air conditioning makes my skin all funny. I have worked there for two weeks at the end of this week. Two months, two weeks to go. I will work out how many days soon... another countdown won't hurt anyone. On the upside, my typing has improved tenfold, I'm much much faster and more accurate. Hence, better blog posts... and faster emailing time which is important when you're paying at internet cafes. Also on the upside, the fact that Adelaide is so dire has steeled us in our resolution to save, save SAVE - we shall escape the tentacle like arms of SA, yes we shall! As soon as Andy gets a job. The lack of TV has encouraged me to read a lot more, and write more. I've finished my Anais Nin book (Henry and June, very good, recommended) and am now reading Kerouac's On the Road. Reading books that are so concerned with their literariness is really good, and I am actually appreciating them for that quality for once as oppose to merely consuming everything as quickly as possible. Yes, moving to a place where you don't know anyone, have no furniture and can't get a good coffee sure gives you the opportunity to reflect on the finer things of life. FYI: Omar, Michael Campbell is indeed from Wellington, Titahi Bay in fact. But golfers don't really golf for their country, do they? And: Everyone else, I am doing my best to update. But its not easy getting anywhere in this town without a car, and at La Factoire the internet is not available to mere temps... And finally: I think this post is the same as the last couple that I've posted... must be more focussed when blogging. I'll longhand everything and then type it in from now on... No more freebase blogging for me...


  1. I like it when you blog about you as well. And especially when it's about you and that fantastic coastline. What sea/ocean is that? You make Adelaide sound wonderful, though that's probably more to do with your skills as a writer. Nah, bet it is wonderful.


  2. Sarah, you sound soooo happy! You really do, despite the mind numbing job. [Try embroidery for mind numbing...aaaa...but it's my job so I got to do it, and well].

    Anyways, just want to say, I'm glad you're happy.

    Now, I'm going to read a good book too!

  3. my gorgeous little darling

    Did you get my email? I do hope you're enjoying the beach, there really is something so.. theraputic about having the water nearby, je pense.

    I'm just about to go on family holiday to Fiji (which you and I both know will turn into a week of investment seminars, courtesy of Bruce and Michelle.. "Diversify your portfolio" I hear them say, and I say "What portfolio?! I'm in DEBT")

    I digress. Hope you're doing well, not letting that job fry your brain too much. Doing any art writing, mon amie?


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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