Friday, August 19, 2005

It's Mugaccinos all round at Steve's Sea 'n' Surf 'a' Spresso Cafe*!

At last I have escaped the Factory and returned to hospitality... and despite the disturbing prevalence of mugaccinos, I must confess that I am enjoying myself. Escape seems to mean Normality, and I am feeling the most normal that I ever have now since leaving New Zealand. My boss has proved to be pedantic to a laughably ludicrous degree, but has rapidly chilled out. Yesterday he even said that my coffees were as good as his! Amazing! All my aspirations fulfilled! Since reaching this peak, what more do I have to live for? So today is my day off. Its raining rather heavily given that SA is supposedly the Driest State on Earth (one of its many claims to fame) *Thankyou Fran


  1. Soon you can start your own coffee cafe :-)

    Play in da rain, Sarah, have fun.

  2. Andy's dream darling, not mine.

  3. Ah, then you can have coffee to your heart's delight when his dream comes true.


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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