Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The skinny mug lattes of my discontent

Apologies if anything that I have posted recently makes no sense, grammatically or otherwise. With the window in which I am writing it is really hard to write something witty and cohesive AND that makes sense. Really, I'm only one person. I'm saying this because I read over one of my last posts and couldn't work out what I meant - can't imagine how terribly it must have read for people who aren't me. That previous sentence didn't make much sense either. And my Dad reads this now and he'll definately hassle me about not making any sense. I finished work a few hours ago, had a beer, and then thought that since it was late night at the library I might pop down and check my email... feeling relaxed (!)... very tired after hectic day. I've almost completely lost my voice and I'm telling you all, its hard to confirm the orders of skinny mugaccinos when you have no voice. And when people don't always understand your accent anyway. I saw the most enormous cockroach the other day and would it die? No. Later, I discover that cockroaches can swim. (Hits head with flat of palm, killing remaining brain cells in the process.) Why am I here? I'm going home now. Salad for dinner, methinks.


  1. Gee Sarah, I must be as whacked out as you claim to be then. Your posts made sense to me.

    Or maybe I thought they did :-0

  2. I was thinking the same thing, if they're making sense to me too then maybe all of us are wacked out!


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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