Sunday, January 15, 2006

Dancing to the Chicago Soundtrack in Bex's kitchen

Show tunes. We're loving it. SO, a little bit of drunken debauchery last night where I was subsumed again into the bosom of Wellington. Drank far too much wine with my lovelies, starting with Fran and then Kate at the Matterhorn and moving rapidly on to Bex's house, then Motel and the *glorious* Biz. And today I have paid the price. I don't actually like being terribly terribly drunk and I loathe being hungover. I need to pay more attention to my alcohol consumption especially as I am no longer a struggling student and I don't need to quaff free booze by the litre. Andy was pretty ghastly too. Suffice to say I am not accepting things as I am finding them but am rather attempting to think things into the way I think they should be. So, when I decide that everything's changed, I struggle because suddenly everything is the same. And when I conclude that everything's the same, I find something very weird and very different has happened. I need to take a leaf out of Freya's Book (of the Dead) and let these things just happen the way that they are happening and stop trying to control them through conceptualising them as something different to what they are. Or is that a defeatist attitude? I don't even know anymore. I should sleep the rest of the grape sediment out of my system.

1 comment :

  1. Going home again for the first few times feels that way.

    Then you get used to it, the changes / non-changes. It takes a while to just let them be, to accept.

    Sleep off the grape then go out and dance, dahlin'.


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