Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Long Weekend (Happy 80th Nana Liz)

This is a photo that was sent to a group of us by Danielle - see how it's been snowing in Christchurch? It looks so beautiful and exotic. I decided I was out of touch with the youth of today and bought new music - given that I never buy music and don't like music shops this reveals an amazing level of dedication to my cause, I think.


  1. Nice photo, Sarah. I didn't realise you antipodeans had snow. I thought it was always green in NZ and the people were always happy. Have I missed something? Come to think of it, I've seen Lord Of the Rings and really presumed you all lived in those dinky hobbit houses and that it only snowed in Mordor. Is this not true?

    I need the truth so be brutal with me.

  2. We all live in trees.

    But seriously, (much knee slapping) it snows in the mountains and down South (the photo is from the South Island).
    It's not snowing in Melbourne though, despite the fact that its almost 0 degrees most nights now. Or if it's not actually 0 degrees, it feels like it. And we wake up with condensation on our blankets.

  3. Sarah,

    I knew the trees thing. I've seen Swiss Family Robinson on the telly. After watching Lord of the Rings I feel I know NZ really well however that Mordor looks like a rough area. And all those caves, are Kiwis small folk similar to hobbits and the Welsh?

  4. Mordor I think was mostly in the Quarry about twenty minutes from where my parents live - quite near the Hutt Valley. That is a rough, bogan sort of a place.

    It's difficult to tell exactly how tall other people are because they tend to throw nuts and berries at you when you approach their tree.

  5. Ah,

    That nuts and berries thing. We get it up from the vegans when we approach the moral trees from where the pass comment on the rest of us. Oh, got to go, the beef's done.


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