Saturday, July 08, 2006

A difference between New Zealand and Australia

I've been in Australia for almost a year now, and the whole time I've been here I've been unable to bake a certain kind of biscuit because I can't find any golden syrup at any of the supermarkets I've been to. I stand in front of the baking needs and search and search for a can of golden syrup - but can I find some? No. No golden syrup for me. I'd begun to hypothesise that Australians don't use golden syrup, although I know for a fact that the golden syrup we have in New Zealand is from Queensland sugar cane. So many questions, ambiguities. It bamboozles one. However at work earlier in the week I saw a can of golden syrup. And I knew, now, for certain, that golden syrup was available on the Australian market. Today I was determined to bake. Before I left the house, I had a conversation with my flatmate about my inability to find golden syrup for purchase in Australian supermarkets. And she said that it should be in the condiments aisle, next to the honey. Next to the honey! And there it was. Who would have guessed that Australian supermarkets were so different, bamboozling in their ordering of dry goods? Culture shock in action, that is.


  1. As per requested by Dan, differences between Australia and New Zealand.

  2. I was afeared that your tale would end in golden syrup-less sadness.

  3. it's funny how it says i wrote my comment on sunday july 9th, when it's merely saturday july 8th here. tricky.

  4. Abby doll, rest assured that I would never publish such a story of woe and hardship. Some pain is just not meant to be shared.

  5. Speaking of differences when I'm in France I always try and eat horse at least once. Isn't that strange?

    Do Australians eat horse? Or is it kangaroo? Or baby koalas?

    Have I crossed a line there? Would it be the same if I suggested New Zealanders might enjoy a fricasse of Kiwi?

    I need to know the zeitgeist.

  6. Kangaroo and emu yes, koala no. I think Australia is the only country where it's legal to eat the national symbols (both an emu and a kangaroo on Australian crest).

    The joke about the Kiwi is out of line. I don't think there's enough kiwis left in New Zealand to make a decent sized fricasse. Lots of small bones too. *Shakes her head in disappointment*

    New Zealand Woodpigeon is apparently very tasty - although not entirely legal. In fact, it's nickname (amongst those in the know) is "Illegal Tegal". Tegal is a chicken company. So. It's a funny joke.

    I would never eat Woodpigeon despite their tasty-looking plump deliciousness.

  7. How I miss reading about your life in New Zealand. I used to read Mills and Boons about life in New Zealand and I used to think, aha, that's where I'm going to go live. Now, I'll live anywhere there's food, rain, sunshine.

    Why are the kiwis dwindling? Are they all going to Australia? tee hee, I couldn't resist that Sarah, that must be totally out of line too.

  8. *Sniffs haughtily*.

    The kiwis are disappearing because of rats, possums, stoats and cats.


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