Tuesday, July 04, 2006

This morning

I was sitting at the cafe down the road and was reading DH Lawrence's the Rainbow. I started day dreaming at the world outside and then, I felt as though my arms were completely disconnected to my body and were sort of floating around my shoulders, and could possibly float out the door. I have this experience fairly frequently. Perhaps I have spirit angel arms. Perhaps I should take less St John's Wort.


  1. Hello Sarah, I found your blog again. I was having so many problems with my computer and didn't realise you had changed your photo. Now I'm off to catch up on what you've been up to in oz.

  2. Fabulous to have you back!

  3. Sarah,

    I'm inspired and off to buy a kilo of St John's wart as we speak.

  4. ps,

    I enjoyed The Rainbow when I read it years ago. Also really love Lawrence's book of short stories entitled The Prussian Officer. My favourite in that is called Odour of Chrysanthemums and is about a woman waiting for her husband who's late returning from a shift in the pit and she goes looking for him.

    Such a fine story about pit folk.


Thanks so much for commenting! You rock my tiny world. For realz, man.

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