Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Suspend the Bitching

So, I'm incredibly hyper on coffee, bouncing off the walls perhaps, because I foolishly offered to taste a new coffee roast at the Roastery today... desperately trying to convince someone to have a beer with me to bring me down of this enormous high I'm on. Seriously, there's teeth grinding and shaky hands and the jitters... And today is the most amazing sunny day - beautiful - gorgeous - fills you full of Vitamin D and gives you a veritable zest for life! The sun was up when I went to work this morning (6am), there were people surfing at Lyall Bay (and some of them actually made it on to the waves!!) and I haven't seen my crush yet which means that my shame is kind of mediated... goody. Sun, jitters, friends, beer... loving Welli on days like these.


  1. sarah,

    i have something i want to mail to you. will you email me your address?

  2. Sarah,

    Good to see the summer vibes are raising your spirits. Be careful with that coffee though. I once drank so much coffee in a morning at work (not meaning too) I suffered palpitations and only cake brought me back down to earth. Well that and a some sex in works time (though not at work - we drove to my place which was not far - said we were out doing a home visit - ah, and she had a much nicer car than me - soft seats).

    Heady days...

  3. yeah,

    suspend the non-blogging. It's either begin blogging or I'll fetch the petition...


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