Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Big Easter Weekend of Pottering Around - Easter Sunday

Today I heard one of my derby girls refer to Easter weekend as the Feast of Zombie Jesus. So, hope that your Feast is going as well as my Feast.


Hello! I've been back from derby training for the last half hour and have used the revolting amount of energy and endorphins I have running through my body to finish off some of my laundry bits, and soak my stinky skate pads in Napisan. My hands are pretty stinky and gross too and I have another pair of pants with wet knees. Eew.

Many very and various conversations about having our next bout. I'm so buzzed for it! I did some scrimmaging today and I just want to get back in a pack and bash some people up some more. Did I mention I ♥ the girls I skate with? Because it's true ♥♥♥.

Otherwise this day might very well count as a fail, unless I get my arse into gear. I woke up at half eight, knitted and listened to the radio for a bit and passed out again until one o'clock in the afternoon by which time I only really had time to do the huge pile of dishes and a little bit of my washing. I'm certainly more on top of the laundry situation than I have been for some weeks, but I now have a big pile of clothes that need to be washed from all the skating I've done over the last few days, and the towels are heaving in their own sweaty-towel-smell juices. I predict that by the end of tomorrow the laundry will be Done, thank the Zombie Jeebers. But I'm worried I may have said too much now. The pile may breed in the night.


  • Last night's dishes I did these. Fail.

  • in bed this morning with LOTS of coffee and toast and read I'm going with a semi-achieve, because I certainly lay in bed for a long time in the morning. Crikey.

  • Sewing! I will make a black pinafore dress. Fail.

  • When I get angry and frustrated with the sewing I shall glue all the bits and pieces that I have been procrastinating about gluing. Fail.

  • Force one of the Flatmates to cook or eat leftovers and read some more or watch more movies. Leftover soup for dinner! Many episodes of Time Team though, rather than movies. Mmm, archaeologists I count this as an achieve.

So, not the greatest day of achievement for the weekend. But, y'know, Meh.

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